So is "What game and why?" a stupid question, no, far from it. Ask yourself - "Why did I buy a gaming console?" Easy question right, not necessarily. Obviously you want to game otherwise you wouldn't be here reading this; but did you get the gaming "weapon" for casual or for serious gaming? By answering this you will ultimately find yourself answering the the question what game and why?
So how to answer? Same way to answer do you prefer blonde or brunette, it all comes down to your own preference, but here are a few things that I think you could look out for, and maybe guide you a bit on the type of game and why!
- Think about how long you would like to play for - I'm not talking about replay-value, that will come later, what I mean is, literally, how long do you want to play for i.e. a casual game where you can pick up when ever and still enjoy where you left off from, or a game where, the moment you start, and after case of energy drinks, tempo chocolate bars and 5 minute "gamer" naps, you clock it! You choose!
- Change in tempo - huh, what! What is this tempo thing? What I mean is, are you looking for a game that moves fast then slow, then fast again, or Slow, fast, slow fast OR fassssssssssst all the time?
- Type of Genre - Easy to decide...Ummm no, you may have a favourite now but do not be surprised when you try a demo of a game that is completely different and you think this is the best thing ever! Give all games a chance.
- Length of the game - We all love games that can take you hours to finish, but we also get frustrated with games that just don't end, and once you have killed the final boss or saved the hot blonde or prince I suppose, from the castle, (brunettes for a change please!) you still have so much more to do just to get to that 70% completion on the game scale, which in turn makes you feel you never really finished it which in turn leaves you feeling an emptiness inside and the game developers laughing!
- Complicated or Simple - Simple right? yes and no. Often you want a game you can pick up and jump right in, blow the crap out of everything in site and feel like you are Chuck Norris on steroids; or there are those times when you take your time to learn every spell and combo that not even Mr. Miyagi and Merlin combined, could teach you! Think about this one, it will make a big difference in your gaming!
- Replay-Value - Well this is probably one of the big ones. The argument that has been plaguing gamers since PACMAN and Mario, which had awesome reply value by the way. When you think of this, think about why and when will you play it again; is it because you just love getting all the collectibles because they are really decent for a change, or for those gaming scores which puts you ahead of others. The argument that you will have on this one in your head can go on for hours, but it does not have to be - Ask yourself (a) Will you pick it up in 6 months (b) Do you want to jam with your friends either co-op or multi-player (c) Can you trade it or sell it easily (not as always as easy as you think). There are many other things to consider but these questions come to my mind when thinking about the replay value! Give this some time and dedication.
As I said in the beginning, we are looking at gaming from a different side of things, and we want to start off the gaming experience as nice as possible, this is not surgery people and playing games is what you are here to do!
Until Next week - Merry Christmas Everyone!
Next Week - Boy vs. Girl or Both!
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