Wednesday, 21 December 2011

A Different Perspective!

So here we go, first Blog and first experience! looking at this, this is not that different than buying your first game and trying it out for the first time. So where are we going with this Blog and many others to come?

Well, we have all read game reviews and all at one point or another agreed or disagreed with the author of the review, and I think most of the time we like to agree with the reviewer, and most of the time they are not really that bad. I think we must remember that the author who is writing, is writing from his or her perspective and what the game entails and how it plays etc.

I personally don't think so - It's all good and well to write about the game, after all that's what we want to hear, but I think we could also go deeper into the game, not psychologically or deep meaningful, life-fulfilling banter, no! What I mean is looking at the game from a different angle, like little things that can bug you while playing, or is this a game you would really push hard for your friend to buy just so you can play co-op or multi- player, or something your better half would like to play. 

I admit all reviews have these little things involved when we read reviews on games, so maybe you might say "ah this guy has no clue and screw him, I'm gonna read other reviews" By all means do it, the more reviews there are the more it becomes clear what games are good and others are, well....just plain bad!

We are going to look at the little things that as a gamer you think of well playing but never know what to do with those thoughts...well this is the place to do it!

So let's get started. Things might change, things might move, but hey lets Kick the Tires and Light the Fires!

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